Coronavirus: “Seven brides for seven brothers”


“Seven brides for seven brothers” was the title of an old 1950s movie. Here with seven critical points from CoVid19, we are working to match the seven brides . But let’s start : WHO finally decided to say things as they are: PANDEMIC; this the scenario is. Partially that means contamination is general. What not higlighted is cross-contamination that’ll continue until the last country will be freed from CoVid19. That scenario will be cleaned up in a few months is more a hope than a probability to date, so the suggestion for entrepreneurs and businessman is: Keep Calm and Carry On – concretely we see the possible impacts. On the positive side, we have wide signs that production in China is starting again even in the smallest factories, our colleagues in China and also customers said. We’ll win! Let’s see in facts what must do our companies to be ready to restart and foresee a future that will be different. We have now focused seven critical areas – let’s see them

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Let’s see in facts what our companies must do to better share and for a future that will be played differently. For now We have isolated 7 critical areas – let’s see them:
1 Costs for sanitizing procedures in the areas where employees are dressed and slowing down the normal good’s transfer / or components to ensure no mixture and infection’s safety
2 An pervasive bureaucratic burden related to compliance for disease prevention procedures and docs –
3 Economic costs linked to restrictions on the people’s movement and vehicles following blocking measures that slow down deliveries.
4 Economic costs and investments in working capital for Logistics interruptions which prevents or slows down the supply of raw materials and components – if the chain is international then the inconveniences will be exponential
5 Productivity low level due to a reduction in the workers inflow – only technology companies can in fact absorb the impact through SMART WORKING. That means crisis in the delivery process of the end line products. The problem is systemic and therefore more the level of the chain complexity increases, more the potentially problem be serious
6 Image: like Italian companies – especially in some sectors – they made always the health of their products and their lifestyle an example on the whole world: the impact will’ be on the intangible asset value.
7 Financial shock: SMEs are more likely to suffer in facing financially STOP AND GO in business phenomena; that are unlikely to be relived by promised intervention of local government
Every business and company will have a different impact on these aspects – while we are working for you making possible answers – it would be useful to know your opinion and suggestion from your experience – Write to us: every suggestion and idea will be carefully evaluated: that’s a new scenario for everyone, thanks for your cooperation!



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