Automation: in 2021/2022 market still growing despite difficulties. Positive forecasts for the next 18 months.

Despite having suffered an abrupt setback due to the pandemic situation, in 2021 the Italian automation market exceeded 6 billion mark, growing by 21% compared to the catastrophic 2020 and 8% compared to 2019. In particular, manufacturing recorded the biggest gains, benefiting from its strong domestic demand. This growth was due to the excellent performance

Automation: in 2021/2022 market still growing despite difficulties. Positive forecasts for the next 18 months. Leggi tutto »

Coronavirus: “Seven brides for seven brothers”

“Seven brides for seven brothers” was the title of an old 1950s movie. Here with seven critical points from CoVid19, we are working to match the seven brides . But let’s start : WHO finally decided to say things as they are: PANDEMIC; this the scenario is. Partially that means contamination is general. What not higlighted is cross-contamination that’ll continue until the last country will be freed from CoVid19. That scenario will be cleaned up in a few months is more a hope than a probability to date, so the suggestion for entrepreneurs and businessman is: Keep Calm and Carry On – concretely we see the possible impacts. On the positive side, we have wide signs that production in China is starting again even in the smallest factories, as confirmed by our colleagues and also by customers. We’ll win! Let’s see in facts what must do our companies to be ready to restart and foresee a future that will be different. We have now focused seven critical areas – let’s see them.

Coronavirus: “Seven brides for seven brothers” Leggi tutto »

What is really changing with tariffs in the US

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Traditional business companies in the USA have exerted great pressure on the administration to obtain tariffs from the President. The ability to make investments and recruitments is essential for the AMERICA FIRST project. Tariffs also mean an opportunity for the American president to slow down Chinese growth and its continuing race for technological leadership

What is really changing with tariffs in the US Leggi tutto »

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