“Only when the tide goes out you discover who’s been swimming naked”: the butterfly effect explained What is it?

In the 1960s, the meteorologist and founder of modern chaos theory Edward Lorenz, stated that a butterfly flapping its wings could influence the path of a distant tornado. To make it simpler, it refers to the compounding impact of small changes. Precisely, it occurs when small variations in initial conditions produce large variations in the

“Only when the tide goes out you discover who’s been swimming naked”: the butterfly effect explained What is it? Leggi tutto »

Once upon a wine: the ancient beverage that is now the driving force behind Italian exports

Wine has been part of Mediterranean culture for centuries: from the remains of vines  found in Tuscany and dating back about 2 million years, to the still famous wine producing areas established in the Middle Ages in parts of today’s France, Spain and  Italy. Moreover, thanks to the discovery of fermentation over the last 150

Once upon a wine: the ancient beverage that is now the driving force behind Italian exports Leggi tutto »

Italian cosmetics fly (literally!) to Asia and the Middle East

The Italian cosmetics market has always kept its export sails unfurled towards traditional importing countries such as France and Germany. But especially with the pandemic, companies in the sector have started to receive more and more requests from the markets of the Arab Emirates (+23%) and South-East Asia (+37%), in particular from Hong Kong. Exports

Italian cosmetics fly (literally!) to Asia and the Middle East Leggi tutto »

Boris Johnson’s resignation: an overview of the UK before and after

Let’s go back to 2016 for a moment: the UK voted in a referendum to leave the European Union. The yes won, and the departure of Great Britain, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland was made official in January 2020 (read our 2020 article here  shortly before COVID19 broke out. After two years of exit, however,

Boris Johnson’s resignation: an overview of the UK before and after Leggi tutto »

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