12 Luglio 2022

Xi Jinping in Hong Kong

Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Hong Kong on Friday 1st July to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the city’s return to China. Indeed, in 1997 the city, until then under British control, was handed back to Chinese supervision, not without massive protests and social riots that continue even today. In addition, the US preferential relationship […]

Xi Jinping in Hong Kong Leggi tutto »

Digitalisation and automation: Italian SMEs struggle

Digital is the pinnacle of the automation industry, and it generates wealth wherever it is applied. According to the Global Machinery Equipment report, the industry’s worldwide turnover will be increasingly driven by digital tools such as Analytics, apps and other digital industrial 4.0 solutions. Therefore, all companies operating in the automation industry are gradually diversifying

Digitalisation and automation: Italian SMEs struggle Leggi tutto »

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