Once upon a wine: the ancient beverage that is now the driving force behind Italian exports

Wine has been part of Mediterranean culture for centuries: from the remains of vines  found in Tuscany and dating back about 2 million years, to the still famous wine producing areas established in the Middle Ages in parts of today’s France, Spain and  Italy. Moreover, thanks to the discovery of fermentation over the last 150 years, wine  has been completely transformed and enriched from being a syrupy drink to the liquid  that we all know today, and of which many companies have made treasure.

In Italy,  for example, wine exports have always been a driving force for the country. There  are 24 Italian wineries that, despite the pandemic strains, exceeded 100 million  turnover in 2021, and many of these rely on exports for almost all their sales. 

However, this sector tends to be increasingly oligarchic (read our article  https://www.studio-pangea.com/en/the-world-likes-prosecco-and-italian-wines-but-their-export-is-oligarchic/), especially in recent times: medium-sized and structured  companies are gaining more and more and are taking on more and more power in  the sector, while the small ones, representing only 5% of total Italian wine exports,  tend to face increasing difficulties. There are various business models that can be used to strengthen the exports of SMEs in the wine sector as well, in order to avoid  an oligopoly that could be harmful even for the strongest ones. Certainly we see that  our government’s contribution in strategic terms to the integrated development of the sector is still a chimaera – entrepreneurs must roll up their sleeves as usual. 

Contact us for further details! 

Edited by Valentina from the Italian office of Pangea Studio Associato

📧 info@studio-pangea.com 

📞 06-87155256 – to speak with us select “Italian” and “ Roma”


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