Italy runs the pharmaceutical chemicals sector

In Italy, the pharmaceutical chemicals sector is worth 228 billion euro. It is the third in Europe after France and Germany and the tenth worldwide. The companies involved are more than 3,000 and employ almost 300,000 people, driving the creation of additional jobs. In fact, we often do not realise how essential specialised chemistry is in our lives, and how many sectors it is involved in, to mention but a few: construction, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, textiles, metallurgy. Special mention for the cosmetics sector, a leading sector where Italian exports account for 85% of total production, with a turnover of more than 4 billion euro in 2019. The chemical sector is confirmed to be an open-minded one, and there is also considerable room for SMEs, according to the report drawn up by SACE in 2021.

The top Italian chemical company is Versalis (Eni), the second place goes to the Mapei Group, leader in building products. Bronze medal for the Bracco Group, a specialist in contrast media for X-rays. The Italian chemical industry also boasts another important record: being so involved in many other sectors, it is the industry with the lowest risk of bankruptcy, with a minimal insolvency rate of around 1%.

Analysing the sector during the difficult pandemic situation, it can be said that it was the high level of exports (up 30% in 2020) that saved the chemical industry from the economic crisis that inevitably affected all sectors. In fact, the chemical sector lost ‘only’ 8% compared to the disastrous situation in other sectors.

The chemicals sector is therefore, like the pharmaceuticals sector, continuously developing and creating long-lasting, well-paid jobs.

✅ Edited by Valentina from the Italian office of Pangea Studio Associato

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