Digitalisation and automation: Italian SMEs struggle

Digital is the pinnacle of the automation industry, and it generates wealth wherever it is applied. According to the Global Machinery Equipment report, the industry’s worldwide turnover will be increasingly driven by digital tools such as Analytics, apps and other digital industrial 4.0 solutions. Therefore, all companies operating in the automation industry are gradually diversifying their activities, adding more and more capabilities in the digital field, and especially investing in cloud and data analytics to increase their sales. This phenomenon encourages mergers and acquisitions because it can create economies of scale.

It is therefore around software that the future of machine tool and automatic machine manufacturers is being played out, a sector that continues to be a driving force for the Italian economy: suffice it to say that in 2021 machinery turnover will reach 50 billion euro, registering almost +22% compared to 2020, becoming even more productive and efficient than before.

Large companies have more capital at their disposal to invest in digitisation and many of them have already completely changed the way they do business thanks to it. SMEs are also quite successful, but the road for them is still more intricate. Suffice it to say that only 7% of the funds made available for digitisation have been received by SMEs: they only partly focus on training and often do not see anything new in their companies. In fact, putting 4.0 installations in the company means not only putting hyper-connected installations in place, but also having to accept a profound change in the company organisation and the way of working, hiring qualified people with new tasks and who will work in a cross-functional manner, challenging the classic pyramid business model. A challenge that not all small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are willing to accept.

✅ Edited by Valentina from the Italian office of Pangea Studio Associato

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